Marco! … Polo!

Looking for a list of bug fixes? You’ve found them! In this release, we cleaned up a bunch of fixes so Workbench continues to be a pleasant user experience. We’ve also been hard at work on a couple of new features. Read on to find out what to expect in the upcoming weeks.


We’ve been focused on the behind-the-scenes functionality to clean up some odds and ends, which you’ll see in this release. We’re also busy working on a couple new features – but you’ll have to wait a few more weeks. In the meantime, we’ll let ya in on what to expect…a new dashboard!  ٩(^^)۶

  • We changed how we set search filters in the Alerts list so you can refresh the page without resetting all your filters.
  • We’re surfacing a more meaningful error message to the Settings > Security devices list in the case where Carbon Black has a configuration problem. Now you’ll see what it the likely cause of the problem.

Other fixes (and a few odds and ends)

  • Fixed an issue that was causing alerts to be erroneously removed from investigations.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an investigative action to fail invisibly if the vendor device was deleted.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing you from changing your name in Workbench.
  • We standardized the casing for the names of investigative capabilities in the Add investigative action form.
  • Fixed a problem that caused some words to wrap awkwardly inside popups for sample raw log data and investigation info.
  • Fixed an issue where the security device page always displayed a horizontal scroll bar, even when it didn’t need to. Silly scroll bar!
  • Fixed a peculiar tooltips error. This one had us stumped for a while but now you’ll see tooltips in the correct location (near the icon) when in the investigative actions.
  • 1, 2, 3 not A, B, C. In the Data Viewer the column in the Query netflow data now sorts numerically instead of alphabetically.
  • We improved the display of some of our tooltips and fly out modals when the screen is resized.
  • Removed a couple of SIEM investigative actions that were not necessary for investigation work.

The Research button for investigative actions was updated so it’s easier to use. We made a minor copy update to improve the consistency of language on the Settings > Assemblers page.